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Disrupt the downward spiral of homelessness by harnessing the power and technology of Silicon Valley to significantly reduce the occurrence, frequency, and duration of homelessness

Innovative HOMELEss SOLUTIONs 

Innovative Homeless Solutions (IHS) is a data-driven homelessness solution that integrates government and nongovernment service providers’ client management systems into a single real-time delivery platform.  


We will inventory complex problems, connect multidisciplinary available services, and prioritize them by custom-tailored best practice treatment plans. Our intention is to significantly improve diversion from the street with better care at a lower cost. 


We will harness the innovation and technology of Silicon Valley to make immediately actionable decision in real-time and change lives at the earliest opportunity.

If you think you can’t change the world
it just means you’re not one of those that will
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